Comprehensive Assistance for Minors
Comprehensive Assistance for Minors, is a group that was born with the objective of strengthening the education of the students of our city and at the same time assisting with the needs that the families of the students in our program request.

Crafts and Mexican Folklorico Art
The objects created by artisans give us the dream of traveling to ancient cultures, in addition to representing the cultural diversity of the country and of course the creativity of our peoples.
So, if you visit Puerto Peñasco, don't you think it would be fascinating to have a handcrafted piece at home?

Biodiversio consists of a Botanical Garden and Herpetarium registered with SEMARNAT created to conserve the life of flora and fauna of the Sonora desert. Biologists and spouses Omar Montes and Ana Maria Delgadillo have been in charge of giving it shape and life. This project has two main objectives, To raise awareness about the importance of wildlife, and that the species (plants and reptiles) that reproduce in the garden can be used in germplasm for future reforestations, and in terms of reptiles that can be released to continue reproducing as they are very important to the ecosystem.

Day of the Dead
The Day of the Dead, which is celebrated on November 1 and 2, is a Mexican celebration to honor our deceased and dates back to the pre-Hispanic era. It is customary to visit cemeteries, dedicate floral offerings and set up altars to honor the deceased.
Anecdotes from Puerto Peñasco
By the second half of the 20th century, fishing is immediately recognized as the epitome of its history, while railroad activity is hardly known, despite the fact that at some point they were activities that were simultaneously active. It would be fair to give greater recognition to the railroad, which undoubtedly helped to make a difference in the biography of our then town, now city.

Legal Certainty
In Puerto Peñasco there is a specialized company that enjoys the general recognition of real estate agencies, regulatory authorities, financial institutions and the general public, which are sometimes required to make use of their services.
InTrust is this company (2013), founded and developed under the direction of Silvia B. Guerrero, a young and trained professional who defines this institution as "a neutral agent who seeks to impartially protects the interests of both parties, buyer and seller."
Memorable Personalities
The night of September 27, 2020, was the culmination of many years of work, hopes and dreams for my father Guillermo Munro Palacio, a native of Puerto Peñasco, when he received the Ariel for best adapted screenplay from the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences for the film “Sonora”, a script adapted from his novel “La Ruta de Los Caídos”.